(What’s my goal?)
My purpose for my chosen documentary subject is not only
to inform the public on another way of healthy living but to educate everyone
on what they may not know about vegetarianism or veganism and to break down
some common misconceptions about these lifestyles.
(Who will be watching?)
I would like a wide range of people to watch this
documentary. It would appeal to younger people and their parents and to people
who are looking to change their eating habits or maybe just don’t know anything
on the subject, and this will give them more information about both lifestyles.
(What do I want to say?)
I want people to understand more about the lifestyles of
a vegan or vegetarian; I want to be able to show more of a personal side of
people. For example, I want to ask who I interview about how people first
reacted to their change, why and when they started, how difficult or easy it is
to go out food shopping or going out for dinner. I don’t plan on making this a
scientific documentary, I’m not going to go into the science of the body or how
food works.
(How do I want to say it?)
This will be a documentary piece with the slight
possibility of adding stop motion animation. This will all depend on what
footage I film and the topics of conversation as well as stories that come up
along the way.
(What do I want to say?)
I want to interview a number of people who are vegan or
vegetarian or have been in the past. I would also like to get the opportunity
to visit a few businesses who do vegan/vegetarian food and ask them questions
such as: why did they decide to make this type of food, is there a big demand
for it, how has it changed in the past five or ten years and if any of them or
their employees are following the same lifestyle. Before I even start filming,
I want to know what questions or how much information the public really know,
so I wanted to create short anonymous questionnaires for people to fill out so
I can cater the questions they have, to the documentary.
Style (How do I want to show it?)
I want it to look quite smooth, I don’t want it really
slow but the only time I can see it going fast paced is if I choose and/or able
to get a number of interviews, while editing their interview together, make
their answers quite choppy and follow into each other.
(How do I want the audience to feel?)
I want the audience to feel like they have watched a
short documentary and they have learned something and they have a better
understanding of a different lifestyle to what they may lead. It may also give
the audience an opportunity to want to explore more lifestyles like this and possibly
go to the businesses that I mention and try out something different.
(Where will it be viewed?)
It will be shown in the Odeon, Belfast as part of the HND
Film Festival and once it has been shown there, I plan on putting it on YouTube
on my personal YouTube channel for more people to see, my personal Facebook
page and my own Twitter page too.
(How will it be shared?)
I plan to promote this documentary on Facebook, Twitter,
YouTube and quite possibly, Vimeo, as well as the blog that I am using to keep
track of my progress. I may also put it on a number of DVD’s and USB sticks.
(What can I afford?)
I am not exactly sure how many locations I will be
visiting, but to get to these locations, it will simply be using public
transport, car or walking. I may also purchase some food from the businesses that
I go to because I want to see what they offer as well as going in and knowing
something more about them.