It follows the story of three brothers; Peter, Francis and Jack and their journey to find their mother to find out why she didn't attend their father's funeral. It ends up becoming a spiritual journey for all three of them unexpectedly and we discover how each character is dislocated in his own way.
Peter is expecting a baby back home (But he only told Jack this information) and he didn't tell his wife that he was going on the trip before he left. As the story progresses, you can see him worry more and stress about what will happen when he comes home.
Francis has bandages on his head for a majority of the film and we come to understand that he was in a motorcycle accident. He later on says the accident happened on purpose which made me believe that he was trying to kill himself.
Jack (who was the character that appeared in Hotel Chevalier) is obsessing over his ex-girlfriend (who also appeared in HC) and to try and take away this pain, he sleeps with the stewardess on the train.
The characters are very dislocated within themselves, they think they know what they want but when they look at each other, they can see that no-one knows what they want or how to fix it. They go to India in search of their mother who they have always been very distant from, and they simply think they are going to jump on a train and see her, but like every film, things aren't as simple as you plan them. The film comes with twists and turns, and with each twist, the characters start to question what they are doing with their lives.
(to be updated)
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